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what does mean Answer?  Go to the Paranoid challenge

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what does mean Answer?
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in the box, what solution is needed in Answer box?
i guess 1. in the captcha realname?? timestamp?.
2. hidden answer in stegano captcha file??

hmm. i tried many things. but.. onclick, the captcha is changed into timestamp jpg..

is that meaningful ???
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RE: what does mean Answer?
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Quote from sisyang
Jun 16, 2022 - 09:28:37

in the box, what solution is needed in Answer box?
i guess 1. in the captcha realname?? timestamp?.
2. hidden answer in stegano captcha file??

hmm. i tried many things. but.. onclick, the captcha is changed into timestamp jpg..

is that meaningful ???

Did you tried again?
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Last edited by gizmore - Jun 16, 2022 - 13:37:20
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