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Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year!
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I wish you all a very happy new year and success!

I am still working on wc5, because my hoster ( AG) shut us down...

But they cannot stop wechall! NEVER!

Stay tuned ;)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year to you too, Gizmore, and to everyone else here.

I'm curious about why they shut down the old site, if it isn't a secret... ?
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RE: Happy New Year!
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It's not a secret, and i will make the case public.

Currently they are still not responding to me, claiming that my box is launching a DoS attack.

I assume i am just causing too much traffic and load.

As soon as i have more details (i don't know more yet) ... i will post about it.

So far we got a new server, by ""

Thanks go out to Mr.BaiM who helped to make it possible!

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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