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Korean Flags

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Korean Flags
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We found the error, i confused the country names -.-

I am very sorry, all was fine, i just confused the country names -.-
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Last edited by gizmore - Aug 02, 2011 - 19:45:25
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RE: Korean Flags
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I think there are little bit misunderstanding in country name

democratic republic of korea(YayPRK) = North korea = Friend of china and russia
ROK(=ROK) = South korea = Cultural slave of US - flag of south korea

Smile Yeah, All the south korea people, Registered correctly!
I think.. You have to rollback flags again :|
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RE: Korean Flags
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ouch ... so it was correct before?
I always thought the south was called "democratic"

I feel very stupid and confused now .
Also i am very sorry for the inconvinience Smile
Thank you very much for clearing things up.

I will rollback the flags now

I am sorry

I have rolled back the flags.

People from south korea should check if they have set it to "Republic of Korea"
People from north korea should check if they have set it to "Democratic Republic of Korea"

The flags should be alright now, or it's a caching issue again.

Thanks again and Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Aug 02, 2011 - 19:32:23
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