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HTS Challenge Count

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HTS Challenge Count
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HackThisSite's challenge count is incorrect.

WeChall has it listed as having 74 challenges, but if you take a look at the breakdown on HackThisSite itself the total is 104.
Last edited by shadum - Oct 21, 2010 - 02:17:58
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RE: HTS Challenge Count
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Thank you (again) for your report Smile

The bug has been forwarded to the developers at HackThisSite, but it`s unknown when it`s really fixed and pushed to the live version.
As a temporary solution i have hardcoded the value of 104 challenges in the score script.

Happy Challenging!

PS: I hope wechall will have some updates again soon ;P

Edit: The real challengecount is 102, because 2 IRC challs are offline. Of course the +28 challs are positive for the scores on HTS.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 25, 2010 - 20:43:31
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