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Thanks gizmore! I do apologize to everyone that this is how the login must work. This was implemented when I first started the site and had no clue about php just yet...Perhaps I can make the first part of the email address (before the @ sign) the username, pending any duplicates of course. Some food for thought.

Thanks to all who linked up and best to you all!
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In my opinion i like to have the username equals the email, so you only need to remember your email, instead of your username _and_ your email in case you need a new password.
It all has pro`s and con`s Smile

Of course, for wechall linking it is a bit unlucky.
I might add some default hide status for each site.

Until that you should hide your username for CSTutoringCenter after linking.
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Little problem about computing solved challs and points.
I let a message to Alex about that and the reason I suppose to cause this bug.
For the first time of my life, TheHiveMind is behind me !
I'm gonna open another bottle of champagne to celebrate that great (and too short) moment Happy
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108/107 challs... Congratulation CommCom you're impressive... Happy
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Hm, I've sent him a bug report about this a few weeks ago - he answered and said it was fixed - obviously it's not.
Well, I've sent him another mail about this including a list of all multiple entries.
Hope it gets fixed soon Smile
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Quote from elasolova

yes, it worked

no, it doesn't
please check if it's actually working

yes, it works using my email as the username
Last edited by Danipilze - Jan 20, 2010 - 05:38:55
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Might wanna, you know, fix that before someone finds something more nefarious. Smile

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Also nice Drool.;%3Eaha%3C/a%3E

Good luck with it Drool.
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Quote from Cobruto

Also nice Drool.;%3Eaha%3C/a%3E

Good luck with it Drool.

Well, you can do a LOT more than just that on that site ... I've mailed Alex about the above and a few other serious things a few weeks ago, no response yet (or it may have been filtered by my spamfilter ;-))...
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I am not an expert in security and appreciate all the findings thus far. I do believe that I have fixed *most* of them, probably not all as any site will have its openings.

@busyr: check your spam, I have mailed you back about 3 days prior to this date on the message (Feb. 1).

Thanks all. I am uploading some more new challenges in the next day or 2 so stay tuned!
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