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Get a "incorrect email" alert while registering. Perhaps my email is long? It has 30 chars.

EDIT: tested with shorter email - same error. (tried and
Last edited by Garfield - Dec 22, 2009 - 02:28:28
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Can you try again now?

thnx, Cob
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Great, works fine now.
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Have to say that new design looks much betterSmile but why I am getting those advertisments when using your site?
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Thanks mybrave, it is because im using a free domain for hosting atm. When the site is getting better, im going for a paid domain.
Thanks for the comments, and enjoy! If you(or anyone else) got any suggestions, challenges, tutorials etc. Let me know.

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Hello All,

Back witb a message again, for the users interested, we have now got a forum, and a pm-system(still under development).
And a question for Gizmore, do you think Listbrain can be added to wechall? Would be nice Drool.
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Lol, of course it will get added, if you like to Smile
It is an honor, for me, to list (and rank) your site with the others. (i already thought about adding it as "coming soon")

I really like those "100% handmade" sites... so far you did quite well with implementing stuff Smile
It is fun to browse, although there is not really much content yet.

So, you have all my best wishes to make your challenge website project a success.

Happy New Year to all of you
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Hey Cobruto,

I really like your site, you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
The site is growing and growing. Let's hope to see your site in the wechall-ranking as well.
Would be cool to have a new english site with maybe 50? 100? 200? challenges soon ;-)

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Thanks Jinx,

It's always nice to get some fine compliments. It soon will be added to wechall, so you can keep track of your stats there Drool.

Again thanks and have a nice day,
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Can someone confirm if the scoring system works fine?

Thanks, Cob
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