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Can't add osix

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Can't add osix
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Hi there,

I tried to add to my sites but each time I click on the link I've got an error "the linking code seems invalid".
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Please try to request a new linking code, by linking again, getting a new email.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 15, 2009 - 14:09:33
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I've already tried this several times, but I get always the same code.
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I think the problem might be caused by a + character in your email.

Can you confirm your email has a "+" in it?

Edit: i added an urlencode to the linking email, you can try again to link osix, which might work now.
I hope i did not break linking completely by that Happy
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 17, 2009 - 15:42:22
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Yes, I can confirm that there is a + in my e-mail adress and that you didn't break it for everyone ;-)

I was able to add the side but it didn't update my points after I clicked on Update Maybe this is because osix will auto update and I just have to wait a little bit?
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I think you need to solve challs from every categorie to get the first points, because i guess / iirc the current formula on osix is like:

score = cat1 * (cat2 + cat3) ? cat4

I think you have a score of 0 unless you make some factors larger than zero.

Anybody can confirm this?

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Quote from Gizmore

I think you need to solve challs from every categorie to get the first points, because i guess / iirc the current formula on osix is like:

score = cat1 * (cat2 + cat3) ? cat4

I think you have a score of 0 unless you make some factors larger than zero.

Anybody can confirm this?


I had the same problem, but after solving a bonus-level a non-zero score was added to my wechall-profile. So it seems you are correct on this.

Greetings, MrBlueSky
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Yes that's right guys.

The way to score means you must have completed at least one of the linear levels and one of the bonus rounds.

it is indeed (bonus * (geek + reverse))

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