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Thisislegal + hispabyte

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Thisislegal + hispabyte
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1.I've noticd something strange. When im on it says I have 84% of the challenges complete->
"User has completed 84% of challenges."

But on WeChall, it is 80%.

2. I can't update my stats for Hispabyte.

And finally:
3.Keep up the good work! Drool

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1. ThisIsLegal reports that you have 300 points out of a maximum of 375. That is 80%
Maybe the current/max score that TIL reports is wrong?

2. Hispabyte seems to have changed some things but broke the userscore script for WeChall.

3. Thank you!
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Thisislegal + hispabyte
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I can't find any way to update my score on hispabyte.
Site seems down
Update failure.
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Same problem goes with Rankk. Got around 75,56% solved and in wechall it's only 64.97%.
Also in informirmo I have this. Maybe there are some more sites having this phenomenon ;-)
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Thisislegal + hispabyte
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Humm maybe it's even a bug on our side then :S
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No jinx, you have the same percentage on infomirmo and wechall.

this is not the percentage of challs passed, but the percentage of points.

18th Jinx 257 points 27.93 % on infomimro

And 27.93 % on wechall Smile
Last edited by mirmo - Jul 15, 2009 - 20:54:25
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Thisislegal + hispabyte
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ThisIsLegal defines progress as the fraction of solved challenges whereas WeChall derives this value from points. Needless to say, this is most often not equal. I reported this at TIL after which they responded it wasn't going to be fixed in the short future because it required changing the entire database. I guess a similar mismatch occurs at other sites as well.
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Then it isn't a bug, just different representation of your progress Smile

Hispabyte fixed their wechall scripts so you can update your scores for Hispabyte again.

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Hispabyte scripts are working correctly, but I got
Site seems down
Update failure.

Maybe there is a wechall bug as well?
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Thanks Z,

I fixed the error on our side... maybe something changed in their scripts.

Now the response is solved:challs:username,
before it seemed like solved:challs:usercount.

Happy Challenging
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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