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WeChall Update

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Today i uploaded latest wechall Smile

Basically it contains only fixes. For example the html/css is a bit more valid again,

but also a few new features made it into the current source:

- Check out the news page frequently. it will tell you if there are new challs on the sites for you.

- AuthKeys can now be sent for the cross site scripts to prevent abuse of these.

- Forum threads can now be subscribed via email. You can subscribe threads by hand and also toggle a global flag in your forum settings.

Happy Challenging
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I just reset the password of my account because I was unable to open a session this evening. Is it a side effect of your update ?
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passwords with special chars like &, ' and " need to get reset

This is because i dropped the evil global htmlspecialchars.

This also causes a problem with the old forum posts, which might look broken now.

Thanks for report


I patched the old forum posts to complain to the new input handling Smile

Mirmo found a bug in site.php where siteadmin links where wrongly encoded.

I expect that there are a few more of these encoding bugs. Please report anything you find.

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I also installed a new challenge from Z.
Be careful with this one, as you need to download real malware.

Be not scared by the initial warning, clicking ok will only lead you to the mission overview.
The tasks contain mostly information gathering, also by investigating real malware.

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I just added a field to the sites table:

Sites now have an irc-contact field.

If irc data is missing or wrong for a site please let us know.

Edit: I took the freedom to just add most irc fields, livinskull helped a bit ;)
I recommend trying to setup ssl encrypted irc connections Smile
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Last edited by gizmore - Jan 19, 2009 - 22:38:51
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I did some work on the design of Wechall. Hope you like it Smile

I also added a quick-update bar that allows you to quickly update your score for a site from anywhere.
It lists all sites you are linked to, except the ones that automatically update your score when you solve a challenge.

As always, any ideas or suggestions for wechall design and functionality are welcome!
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Great idea, goob job Kender Smile

It's beautifull and usefull... what else ? Happy
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Yeah, great work !

Kender also had the idea to fish the sites that auto-update from the logfiles.
I checked the yesterday's log, and marked these sites as auto-updaters (2 more found).
We will soon show which sites are auto-updating to reduce the overall confusion Smile

Beside that, the whole database is now UTF-8.
If you spot any messed up character please report it.
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You can now use ssl for secure communication with

Just use
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Nice job Smile And it's nice to see that the cert is a valid one Smile
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