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I can't understand why it's wrong  Go to the Training: ASCII challenge

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I can't understand why it's wrong
Google/translate0Thank You!0Good Post!0Bad Post! link
84, 104, 101, 32, 115, 111, 108, 117, 116, 105, 111, 110, 32, 105, 115, 58, 32, 101, 110, 99, 101, 105, 101, 108, 101, 109, 97, 100, 105
I've tried it over and over but I could reach only the same answer.
The solution is: enceielemadi
If I made a mistake please report me back.
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RE: I can't understand why it's wrong
Google/translate3Thank You!2Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Have you tried just submitting the solution you got?
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RE: I can't understand why it's wrong
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
check your script again that's definitely not what mine got. maybe try google again?
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