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Free Webhosting

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Free Webhosting
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I am happy to announce,

It is now possible to setup an apache vhost for your warchall accounts.

Simply execute "/home/features/webspace_on" to get a vhost created Smile

Thanks go to nurfed, dloser, space and phiber for securing these scripts!

Special requests like dns, new packages and other stuff can be redirected to warchall staff.

Happy Publishing!
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Last edited by gizmore - Jan 18, 2014 - 02:58:12
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RE: Free Webhosting
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Hi everyone,

is the web server on the warchall box still working as intended? I logged into the box using ssh and tried to create a vhost via "/home/features/webserver_on" but there seems to be a problem:

Quote from webserver_on
Reloading apache2 config...
* /etc/init.d/apache2 uses runscript, please convert to openrc-run.
* apache2: cannot `reload' as it has not been started
Webserver should be available at!
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RE: Free Webhosting
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Seems like all the web challenges on warchall are down too:
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RE: Free Webhosting
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The webserver somewhat choked and only started again nicely after a killall -9 apache2
I did not find any error logs under /var/logs
but for now it seems to be working again.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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