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Would any super intelligent hacker that's passed this chall
please give me some hints on solving this?

So far, this is what I got:

Edited by Z - you give too much away

I know I haven't analyzed the pictures yet, but I guess a hint on what to do with them is given in the comment.

Am I moving in the right direction?
Last edited by Z - Oct 01, 2009 - 09:29:16
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Hi xyberz09
I have edited your post because you give too much hints. Fortunately this means you are very close to the solution. Think about basic "encodings" which uses 2 "signs".

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You mean I'm close? cool! Happy
I thought I was waaay off course
I'm afraid I haven't done Encodings-I so I don't know what you're talking about.
BTW, was I correct about the ***se code?
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***se code sounds wrong.
But it seems like you got the carrier signal Smile

- maybe read the above post from Z 1 or 2 times
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Last edited by gizmore - Oct 01, 2009 - 22:37:40
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RE: Hints please...
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Do we need to do a dictionary attack on it? I know what was used to hide something and in which file, but I would find it odd if I have to do a dict attack on it...
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RE: Hints please...
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The hidden message is placed obvious. Probably you didn't find it yet Smile

Good luck!
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