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Anyone Else having Weird issues with GDB?  Go to the Training: Warchall - 7 Tropical Fruits challenge

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Anyone Else having Weird issues with GDB?
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I'm trying to work on this one but GDB starts up but when I got to run an application I will crash with two memory access violations right away. Both the addresses are ASCII and doesn't matter if I breakpoint main or _start, same crashes. So I decided to try it on some other binaries, same thing, even wrote a simple hello world, same thing with that.

Anyone else experiencing this?
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RE: Anyone Else having Weird issues with GDB?
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Not sure why these messages are there, but it doesn't mean the program has crashed. It's just interrupted and can be continued just fine.

What I did see is that gdb gets the first address from somewhere in the .dynamic section, but by that time that space seems to have been repurposed. Perhaps some incompatible versions of things? In any case, it just looks like gdb getting some not-too-important info and failing.
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