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Questions  |  score: 3  |  3.93 4.09 5.84 |  Solved By 233 People  |  60608 views  |  since Jul 25, 2011 - 20:00:30

Vermeer (Logic, Image, Stegano)

A paranoid friend has sent me a message, but in his paranoid mind he forgot to tell me how to decode it.
If Picasso got a computer he would know what to do!
What can I do now?
Here is the message
S10x15a35x13d28x16l12x12y15x10,43x15 36x14t16x13h41x16i15x11s26x13 17x16i10x10s34x10 10x12n31x13o40x10t25x11 43x14t41x10h42x10e37x13 43x16m21x10e42x14s42x16s15x13a10x16g20x16e25x12 31x12y27x11o25x13u31x16 17x13a31x11r20x13e36x13 20x11l43x10o17x15o10x13k12x15i40x12n34x12g25x14 25x16f43x13o25x10r22x10 12x11:42x13(17x14 25x15T40x14r40x11y31x14 37x10f20x15u15x12r16x10t21x16h10x14e37x15r12x16!40x16o12x14o34x13o15x14o36x15o12x10o35x11o27x15o34x14o26x12o11x13o37x14o17x12o22x16o15x15o40x15o26x14o17x10o40x13o37x16o20x14o37x12o31x10o31x15o15x16o34x15o12x13o28x10o20x10o37x11o34x16o34x11o35x12o17x11o10x11o20x12
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