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Yashira es un sitio en español dedicado a retos informáticos,ciencias e ingenio.
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Comments on Yashira

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cheerfulbull`s Avatar

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RE: Comments on Yashira
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Now it works. Perhaps I updated too early.

Quote from Mark-Twain

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Global Rank: 100
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Last Seen: 4h 24m
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RE: Comments on Yashira
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Hmm... It's being really strange. When I complete a challenge and update, nothing updates, but in about half an hour, ALL the challenges I completed since the last update get added all at once. Is there any reason this could be happening?

Quote from Mark-Twain

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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